All you need to know about toners

Lightening your hair will always result in warm undertones. Toner is used to either eliminate or enhance these undertones and help maintain the desired colour.

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What is toner

Toning is a process that usually uses a demi or semi-permanent colour to help correct or personalise your previously lightened hair. As a result, it enhances the tone of your hair by adding either enhancing pigments like golds and beiges or correcting pigments like violet or blue. The latter will result in a cooler shade. Basic colour theory is crucial for achieving the right results. Since toning uses a demi or semi-permanent colour, your hair will benefit from enhanced shine and radiance.

Purple shampoo or conditioner that is used at home can also be used to tone your hair but are, unlike a salon toning process, less personalised and long lasting. However, these products are excellent to maintain a cool colour between salon appointments.

Why does hair turn yellow after lightening

Every time we lighten hair, we will expose the underlying pigments of your hair. Your natural hair colour is a result of two pigments – one that gives it it’s tone (red/yellow) and one that gives it its depth or darkness (blue). Bleach does a fantastic job in removing darkness and dept, but has a harder time eliminating the tonal direction. The ideal target we aim for is a pale yellow. Depending on your hairs natural depth and your colour history, reaching pale yellow may be possible in one appointment.

What causes hair to become yellow over time

There are many factors that can change lightened or even naturally grey hair to a yellow colour. These include:

  • Air pollution
  • Hard water
  • Sun exposure
  • Oxidisation
  • Chlorine and other pool chemicals

How to avoid hair turning yellow over time

Due to the above mentioned causes, lightened hair will always fade to yellow over time, but there are some fantastic products that combat this:

In addition to your existing hair care regime

Evo Fabuloso Platinum

Treatment to effectively reduce unwanted yellow tones. The mask is non-drying and can be left to soak in for as long as you need to. If your hair is very porous, apply your regular conditioner first, then apply the mask on top.

Kevin Murphy Maxi.Wash

Deep cleansing shampoo that removes impurities and product build up. To be used only once a week or every 3rd wash. Make sure to deep condition your hair afterwards.