Hair loss. Rosemary oil to the rescue?

Hair loss affects millions worldwide, but acting swiftly can make all the difference. Here’s why starting treatment early is key and why proven solutions trump social media favourite rosemary oil.

Acting Early Matters

Hair loss tends to worsen over time if left untreated. Starting treatment promptly can slow or halt its progression, preserving more hair follicles and potentially stimulating new growth. Medications like minoxidil are most effective when begun at the first signs of thinning.

Proven Solutions vs. Alternatives

Minoxidil is a clinically proven medication that boosts blood flow to the scalp, revitalising hair follicles and promoting regrowth. On the other hand, influencers promote the benefits of rosemary oil for hair health. Unfortunately, the scientific study they cite has since been debunked as false and furthermore was never peer-reviewed.

In conclusion, don’t delay seeking treatment for hair loss. While natural remedies such as rosemary oil may offer temporary relief, primarily through scalp massage, proven treatments like minoxidil provide more effective solutions. Keep in mind that time is of the essence when it comes to preserving and regaining your hair.